Thursday, May 12, 2016

Not a Poem

There's no poem  here.

Poems speak of
Poems speak of

See? There's no poem here.

Any love I might have found
Disappeared in the air
Like a moth
Only I wasn't his light

Well, it runs deep
But who doesn't have hurt
Show me that soul, and I'll sell you a bridge

Well, that's an interesting subject
I lost my keys
So yes, that's the most I'll discuss loss, thank you very much

I'm not despairng-ish
Or shaming-like
I swear I feel happiness all the time
I'm the spokeswoman for smiles
My smile is ultra-white

There are no problems in here
Everything is so perfect, it almost hurts
It is, what's the word?

Yes. I am living the magical life
Dancing in my blue dress
Made of chiffon and dreams
Swooning as I'm swept off my feet

I told you.

There's no poem here.

It's just my magical life
The one I was promised
I'm followed by stars
They are so bright

They illuminate my skin
While I sing to my birds
It's amazing really
How dreams come true

Why can't they see it?
Those pesky men in white?
Always flitting about with pill filled plastic cups
I have my own potions, thank you very much


There's no poem here.

Image: Star Breather LainyArt Etsy

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