Saturday, November 30, 2013


Night is somber. The inky black.
Your soul entombed. Your body slack.
Inside your mind, your thoughts they race
Lost in murkiness you try to face.

The shadows form.  Then disappear.
Always close. But never near.
You try to grab them, don’t know how
You’re cursed to chase the phantoms now.

Snap like a rubber band.  Inside your brain.
Snap, crackle, pop.  You’re going insane.
The circuits fire, but don’t connect
Your body is helpless. Your mind can’t object.

Running down alleys.  Hunted by foe.
Your only exit is an exit below.
The dark is the hunter, and you are its prey
Your only escape is the lightness of day.

Icy claws touch you.  They smother your cries.
You watch as the others, pass you on by.
Perhaps they don’t see you.  Perhaps they don’t care
Perhaps they are dealing with their own hellish scare.

Every person you cling to.  Every person you need.
Seems to retreat, each time that you plead.
You’re stuck in your body.  You’re stuck in your mind
You’re stuck in a place nobody can find.

Snap like a rubber band.  Inside your brain.
Snap, crackle, pop.  You’re going insane.
The circuits fire, but don’t connect
Your body is helpless. Your mind can’t object.


  1. I like this, tangible feelings of someone who needs people and feels untouched by anyone.

    1. Thank you for reading! I'm so glad you connected with it. I appreciate you taking the time to comment :)

  2. You're such a talented soul Karie. I just love your work and this is a great example of how powerful a writer you are. I read it and had to read it again because it had such an easy flow it was over before I knew it. Great job Karie :)

    1. Aww, Ben, you're much too kind....but I'll take it :)

  3. Very well composed! I find it to be very intense. Keep up the good work.

  4. "You’re stuck in your body. You’re stuck in your mind
    You’re stuck in a place nobody can find."
    i really like those lines - Will be coming back to read more!
